Friday, 14 June 2013


This sweet agony that stems from my
Nucleus accumbens -
Down my spine
Down the veins of my right arm
Down to you.
This touch -
A feather tickling a hole into a corner of my
Oh would it that I could
Capture one or two of these tumbling, fumbling 
Pleasure crystals and save them for
A moonless day,
When the lack of a person streams in through
The blind-ed windows, and
When my midnight coffee foxtrots
With my restless tongue,
And the smell of wetness just won't go away.

Back Home

The sun is violent.
He splays corpses of your fingers across
My lips;
Blurry gray scars spear across
My face
And the furrows grow deeper
As the day ages.

We are drawn in graphite,
And time is smudging Us.

Your kohl’d brown eyes have
Cold, mischievous tiger-tints to them
That I have never seen before;
What defining, independent memories are they
In possession of, that they hint of such

Your tresses still fall on tip-toes
On my chest, my neck, my face;
Curling, burning tongs that tease!
Yet if I look closely enough
I can just make out the flecks of maturing
White, where there was earlier only stubborn

We are drawn in graphite,
And time is smudging Us.

I am caught in the rainbow-strings that
Are woven in-between your refracting spectacles.
I used to shimmer effervescent in
The levity of the twin mirrors they shield:
Now I can drown myself
In the liquid complexity of my rendered reflection.
I can see myself, and
Then you again, and then me again;
We’re locked in the infinity
Of a shared look.

The sunlight finds relief in
Depressions that weren’t there before;
Ridges that were full;
Confident laughter where there was unsure timidity;
A measured step where there was puerile unboundedness;
Layered inflections of speech compete on your tongue; speech
That was earlier unhewn, and now bounces
On polished wheels.

Wrapped in the cocoon of our minds, we
Are changing.
I gaze in wonder at this woman
Who is the living image of the gurgling girl
I fell in love with, so many sunsets ago.

We are drawn in graphite,
And time is smudging us
And is adding new squiggles
And shifting colour and definitive
Lines; we are changing
And it shall take time to learn how
To love this new person – maybe a
Day or two.
And then we shall frolic in each other’s
Minds, as we did before.

I kiss your concerned lips as they ask
Why I look so thoughtful, and grasp you in a hug;
Maybe if I hold you close enough, for
Long enough,
We shall diffuse into each other
And fate shall grant Us amnesty.

Your house catches fire,
As the sun gloriously climaxes
And orange juice spills all over the linen of
The sky, staining,
And the world burns in frenzied animation
For a few minutes, until the night
Douses everything in cool darkness.