Monday, 3 February 2014


We used to have
A common well,
From which we used to draw
Several fertile liters every day, and the
Nights would be spent in sleepy
Shovelling, and even the extra inches
Would be wet the next day.

And so our well grew deeper.

Soon though
The summers started piling up, and
We started scraping the bottom.
No more midnight digging -
When the darkness played peekaboo and the night kissed the window panes and everything was doused with a sense of romantic magic for me, it was the caffeinated morning for you.

We were reduced to
Trying ravenously
To scrape out a few drops, wring
Out the last vestiges of moisture, and
In desperate thirst, we started supplanting fingertip whispers
For words and directionless passion for
Discourse, and soon every explosion
Started seeming increasingly
More flash than effect.

The well is so deep
That to dig another one
Would take another Four Years.

So we hang onto our well
And quench our thirsts at nomadic,
Beautiful, tactile oases.
I have my tiny kittens, for whom
I harden my shield and put on masks,
And say half-felt words, so as to tunnel to
Half-felt sighs, and you
Have your pretty, pretty boys
Whom you call friends.

And we grope in the darkness, through unchartered corridors and tumble through passageways and sleep in musty beds that squeak too much, and maybe we shall fall, finally, into our own parched Well, and smile sadly as they pour sand down onto our backs,
And because we're not donkeys,
Because we are after all honourable
Men and women, with
Pride and ego,

We shall accept our fate.

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