Sunday, 18 October 2015


... should be made of sterner stuff.


Love casts humans
into jugs of wine.
All my sorrows will be quenched (I foolishly
once I drink
of your arms.

Why else would I desire
when my eyelashes
are heaviest?


I remember lying there with you that late afternoon, on your grumbling bed. Hearts were content, all aspiration silenced under the soft rumbling of fulfilled desire.

Ambition is human, to make love divine.
Ordained by selfish nature are we
to seek affection,
in quiet desperation.

imparts meaning to our rootless brains -
every tiny touch
a silver medal.


I love you to distract myself. There's emptiness inside, spaces that yearn for something better, the latent hope that fulfillment lies somewhere in the external; I love in the hope that you will fill me.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Happy Birthday, Mon Gato

I can still recall
our last December.

We shared our love
of a certain
grey, somewhat spherical

And now here we are.
And I finally have a dear friend
~my height.

Happy Birthday/Joyeux Anniversaire/Sana Halwa Ya Gameel!
My favourite Lebanese <3

Monday, 5 October 2015


Eats free-range chicken
for dinner; twelve hours later:
breakfasts on a desk.