Wednesday 24 March 2021

Birthday Haibun ('Navreh')

 "Do you guys ever fight?"
I used to say no back when our bodies were separated by geography and immigration law - we were bubblewrapped in yearning, immune to irritation, every video call a gift. These pandemic days, the mundanity of unwashed dishes and laundry is incessant, like running water. We went from long distance to being quarantined together, and friction is inevitable. Yet every day I pinch myself awake, afraid for the first few seconds of wakefulness that I shall find a discharged phone next to me in bed instead of your sleepy form bathed in morning light. I tumble down a hill with you at the speed of life, nursing minor cuts but joyously alive, for the first time in forever. 

nursing pink sunburns
with pleasure; after winter
fiery spring days

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